Go Brands Communications

The world as we know it, is rapidly changing. Marketing has expanded from a majoritarian point of view to include the multicultural marketplace in its purview and campaigns are being customized and curated to fit this new segment. Ads are now selling dreams and stories, and building an emotional connect. At GoBrands, we help you cater to this growing ethnic market. We are experts at weaving a story around brands and strategizing to get the message out to the various communities in the right language at the right location, generating exceptional results for you.

Research Oriented Approach

Any shift from the mainstream, requires research and we’ve got your back there! We’ve spent hours researching and studying the multicultural market place to ensure that every step you take is the most optimal one.

Experienced Media Planning & Buying

We bring in a fresh perspective to your messaging, one that is backed by understanding and research of the various ethnic communities existing in Canada. The result? Something innovative that resonates well with the target audience.

Innovative Creativity

A great creative or campaign without any direction is just that, but at GoBrands we know how to get the message out to the right audience and make it relevant. This is done with the help of our experienced media buyers who understand the multicultural media landscape and put together the best approach for your brand.

Featured Services

As a full function media agency, we offer a portfolio of services that comer your entire spread of media and marketing needs. Be it market research, media planning and buying, television advertisements, in-film promotions, or even digital marketing, we do it all. Afterall, we are your one stop destination for all your multicultural marketing needs.

Market Research

It is easy to dismiss market research under the guise that how different can the multicultural marketplace be from the mainstream one. However, this is where most marketers go wrong. Everything from behaviors and aspirations to language and needs of the ethnic communities are different. And just as diverse.
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Strategy & Planning

Launching into new markets can be intimidating, we help you navigate these testy waters by standing with you throughout the way. Our strategies are backed by solid research and stem from a deep understanding of the behaviors, aspirations, and dreams of the multicultural communities, Thus, ensuring that your brand connects and sticks, and delivers the desired results.
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Media Planning

At GoBrands, we help you navigate through this with ease. Our media planning and buying experts know the multicultural marketplace like the back of their hand. We know where your target audience is, what they are consuming and what will strike a chord.
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Digital marketing

Digital marketing in simple words is diverting the attention of internet users to your brand through a multitude of options, channels and opportunities across all electronic devices such as TVs, mobile phones and electronic billboards. When done right, it can do wonders for your brand and deliver the specific ROI that was set.
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+1 (647) 769-1899